Level 1 - Elementary

Asking for Hairdressing Service (Level 1)

Asking for Hairdressing Service (Level 1)

Description: A conversation asking for hair dressing Instructions: Read the article and answer the questions or fill in the missing spaces Telephoning Reception ‘Hello.’ ‘Yes, Hotel Reception. How can I help you?’ ‘Yes. Does the hotel have a hairdressing service?’ ‘Yes, there is. It’s on the first floor.’ ‘Oh… How much is a men’s haircut… no shampoo?’ ‘Here we

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“Excuse me” and other Polite English Phrases for Doctors (Level 1)

“Excuse me” and other Polite English Phrases for Doctors (Level 1)

Description: Questions using the phrase ‘Excuse me’ Instructions: Read the sentences below and answer the questions or fill in the spaces Examples of questions starting with ‘Excuse me’ Excuse me please. What days will you be working next week? Excuse me please. Is this car for sale? Excuse me please. How much does it cost

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Exercising (Level 1)

Exercising (Level 1)

Description: Sentences about exercising Instructions: Read the sentences below. Then answer the questions or fill in the spaces. Walking is exercising. Running is exercising. Exercising keeps you fit. Exercising keeps your body healthy. Exercising keeps your mind healthy. When you do exercises you are exercising. All sports people have to do exercises. To play sports

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A Pie (Level 1)

A Pie (Level 1)

Description: Sentences about a pie Instructions: Read the article and answer the questions or fill in the missing spaces A pie is food. A pie is made of pastry. You make a pie by baking it. Pies are sold in shops and restaurants. You can also make a pie at home by yourself. You can

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