Level 3 – Advanced

What Does it Mean to have Ambivalence or to be Ambivalent? (Level 3)

What Does it Mean to have Ambivalence or to be Ambivalent? (Level 3)

Description: A list of sentences about having ambivalence or being ambivalent Instructions: Read the sentences below and answer the questions or fill in the spaces To be ambivalent means to lack certainty. To be ambivalent also means the inability to make decisions. He is ambivalent about his job. She is ambivalent about her boss even […]

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Definitions of some Computer Words (Level 3)

Definitions of some Computer Words (Level 3)

Description: Some definitions of computer words Instructions: Read these definitions and answer the questions or fill in the spaces. Hardware Component Description RAM (the random access memory) Chips that store short-term information. Information is lost from here when power is turned off CPU (a central processing unit) The main information processing device (i.e. the ‘brain’ of

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Working as a Chef (Level 2)

Working as a Chef (Level 2)

Description: Sentences about working as a chef Instructions: Read these sentences below. Then answer the questions or fill in the spaces. 1.A chef is a person who cooks food as a job. 2.A chef is sometimes called a cook 3.Chefs work in restaurants and hotels. 4.Some chefs work for rich people. 5.Some chefs have their own restaurants.

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Computer Hardware (Level 3)

Computer Hardware (Level 3)

Description: A short article about computer hardware    Instructions: Read this short article below. Then answer the questions or fill in the spaces. The hardware is all the physical equipment related to the computer. Hardware can be divided into three categories: the system unit, secondary storage and input/output devices. The system unit includes the CPU and memory.

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