Level 3 – Advanced

A Migraine (Level 3)

A Migraine (Level 3)

Written by Saurav Description: An article about a migraine (i.e. a type of headache) Instructions: Read the sentences below and answer the questions or fill in the spaces A migraine is a chronic neurological disorder with recurring moderate to severe headaches. If you ask a migraine sufferer, he or she will tell you that migraine

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Food and Old Age (Level 3)

Food and Old Age (Level 3)

Written by Saurav Description: An article about food and old age Instructions: Read the sentences below and answer the questions or fill in the spaces Various research has shown that food is closely related to the aging process. The simple way to add five years to a persons’ life has been to eat less. Still

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What is Aged Care (Level 3)

What is Aged Care (Level 3)

Written by Saurav Description: An article about aged care Instructions: Read the sentences below and answer the questions or fill in the spaces Aged Care is simply taking care of the elderly. It consists of services like elderly assistance and caring, adult day care, long term care, nursing home and hospice. Traditionally we have seen

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Wisdom Teeth (Level 3)

Wisdom Teeth (Level 3)

Written by Saurav Description: An article about wisdom teeth Instructions: Read the sentences below and answer the questions or fill in the spaces Wisdom teeth are a third set of molars which are located at the back of the mouth. They are the last teeth to grow inside the mouth and they usually appear between

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