Level 3 – Advanced

Paracetamol (Level 3)

Paracetamol (Level 3)

Written by Debbie Description: An article about the medicine from the chemist ‘paracetamol’ Instructions: Read the article below and answer the questions or fill in the spaces Paracetamol is an over the counter medication commonly used to treat pain, headache and fever. The alternative name for paracetamol is acetaminophen. It can also be administered in […]

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Are Communication Skills Important for Hotel Pool Staff? (Level 3)

Are Communication Skills Important for Hotel Pool Staff? (Level 3)

Written by T. Pascal Brown Description: Read about communication skills for swimming pool staff Instructions: Read the sentences below and answer the questions or fill in the spaces. This is the answer to this question “Are Communication Skills Important for Hotel Pool Staff?” by one administration manager in a large company. “Yes, I guess communication

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